Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Lord Preserves Us - II Samuel 8:6

II Samuel 8:6 
"The Lord preserved David wherever he went."


I went to lunch on Friday with the Youth Pastor of our church, and we had a nice visit just getting to know more about him and his wife and he about the Rudys.  We had some great conversation and prayer and spent some time talking about pride and the life of David.  Then in my daily reading, I came across this verse in the context in Samuel of when David had to face many foes on all sides.  God protected David without fail as he promised!

This verse was particularly relevant to us now as Hannah and Faith left early Saturday morning to drive to Ohio.  Kay and I were a bit hesitant about them going because of time, commitments, money, and safety.  But, as our kids grow up, we need to trust their maturity and judgement and ultimately trust that God will protect them as He promises.

There is one note of caution though in the life of David that I alluded to earlier.  It is true that we should have confidence that if we are following the Lord and His ways, that he will bless us and protect us.  However, we also need to be careful not to fall into the trap that David did and get caught up in our own pride.  God had blessed David with great wealth, power, and victories in all areas of his life.  But David let that success go to his head and he started to be overtaken by his own pride.  As you probably already know, he committed adultery, and he even killed a man to then cover up his sin.

The good news was though that David did repent fully of his sins.  Even though David had to pay for his sins through attacks on his family and country, and even the death of his son, God restored a right relationship with David and he became one of the greatest Kings of Israel.

So be encouraged to follow in God's ways and be diligent to stay in the middle of his plan for you.  He will protect you, but be careful to give Him all the glory and praise for your successes!

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  


Family update: In addition to the girls adventure to Ohio this weekend, Jake was elected President of the school student council this past week!  It was a tough but clean fight, but Jake prevailed. :)   Remember to remain a humble leader Jake!.  Also, Kay has only 4 radiation treatments left!  She is a little sore now but still tolerating them pretty well.  We give God all the praise!

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