Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Not Our Will But His - John 6:38

John 6:38
"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me."


I am starting this devotion from 35,000 feet as we travel to San Francisco on our summer vacation. We are very excited to all be getting away together and also see this as a celebration trip for Kay's recovery (radiation was completed last week!). We will be tracking our progress and giving updates via twitter (@rudyvacation), instagram, vine, blogspot, and even facebook for you older generation. :). Don't miss out on the fun!

Today's devotion verse is from the 6th chapter of John and at this point Jesus has just fed the 5,000 and walked on water.  He is in serious miracle-mode and now he is explaining that he is the true bread of life and that he has come so that we will hunger and thirst no more.  Jesus tells us that even he, the very son of God, is here not to do his own will but to do the will of his father in heaven. 

Again Jesus is the perfect example of how we are to be in relationship with the father. We are to seek and do his will.  We are to block out the distractions of this world and the selfishness of our own desires. And we are to be obedient unto him only.  My prayer for all of you and for me is that we will constantly seek God's will for our lives, and be the kind of obedient sons and daughters that we hope for our earthly children. 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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