Friday, July 19, 2013

Please God - Psalms 19:14

Psalms 19:14
"May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."


Earlier this week, I had a yearning to hear from the Lord so I opened my Bible and felt Psalms would speak to me.  With all the preparation and very full days of our California vacation, I have not spent regular time with God and his word in the last few weeks.  I really have no excuses, except that I let the world crowd out the one person that is the most important to me.  I also think that since Kay's treatments have ended, I let myself be distracted and out of focus on what is really important in my life.

How many times do we find ourselves running to God when we are hit with trials?  And how many times when he answers our prayers and gets us through those trials, do we walk away and let ourselves be distracted by the details of life?  Is this how we would treat an earthly friend?  What if you had a friend that only talked to you or paid attention to you when they were in trouble and needed advice, or money, or something else?  And what if as soon as you provided that friend with what they needed, they then did not call you for months until they needed something else?

I can't help but think that this is how we treat God sometimes?  How do you think He feels if the only time we talk to him or spend time in his word is when we need something?  God created us for relationship with him - plain and simple.  He loves us and wants desperately to spend time with us and for us to know him and love him as he already knows and loves us.

This Psalm did indeed speak to me and I fervently pray that my words and my thoughts are pleasing to my rock and my redeemer.  But my words and thoughts cannot be pleasing to him, if I don't spend time reading his word, praying, and talking to him.  Just as the previous devotion ("Trust the Lord & Be Happy") described how we will experience happiness when we spend time with God, we also bring joy and pleasure to God himself, when we spend time with him.  We bring pleasure to God through our relationship with him!  Wow, what an amazing thought!  So in the next few days, spend time with God and "make his day".  

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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