Friday, May 3, 2013

Against You, You Only, Have I Sinned - Psalms 51:4

Psalms 51:4
"Against You, You only, have I sinned."


David starts out Psalm 52 asking for mercy from God. He asks God to blot out his transgressions and to wash him thoroughly of his sin.  David has finally broken down, understands his wrongdoing, and is asking for forgiveness. David has sinned against Uriah by commuting adultery with his wife, and David has also sinned by plotting Uriah's murder!  In addition he has sinned against Bathsheba and against his people. 

Yet all sin is ultimately against God and David is finally approaching the throne to ask forgiveness from his almighty God. Do you ever justify a sin because you don't think anyone was hurt or injured by your sin?  Do you sometimes compare your little sins to someone else's big sins (you probably have never murdered or committed adultery like David).

But in God's eyes, even the so called little sins grieve him and separate us from him.  I challenge you to find some quiet time and think back over the last week, or last month, or last decade.  Meditate on your life and ask God to reveal to you a sin you have not asked forgiveness for.  Then, ask God to blot it out and help you to sin no more.  And then if you have hurt someone through that sin, call them up and ask forgiveness from them also!

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!

Family Update:  Kay and I see the Radiation Oncologist this morning.  He is hopefully going to say that Kay is healed enough to start radiation next week. If so they will measure her and schedule the first radiation treatment for next week.  Let's get on with it!  

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