Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Holy Spirit, Give Me The Words - Luke 12:12

Luke 12:12
"For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.""
Today is going to be a difficult day. I am in Austin, Texas today for some meetings that are not going to be pleasant. I am praying that the Holy Spirit will give me the exact words I need to say at the exact time they need to be said. I know I certainly don't have a picture for how this will play out but I am leaning on the One who has 20/20 vision in every situation. Please pray specifically this morning for me and those I am meeting with. Thanks.

Well, another Dr visit another turn. We are taking it in stride now, but we really do pray that we can wrap up the radiation treatments before our California vacation. We had an appointment with the surgeon yesterday and she put a drain back in the left side and suggested getting a sonogram of the right side. The sonogram is scheduled for this Thursday and a follow up appointment is scheduled with the surgeon next Monday to take the drain out again. If everything goes smoothly (ha!) :) we could start the radiation late next week.

Finally, Hannah is home and she is no longer a freshman! Can you believe that? And next month, Faith will be done with her school year and she will be a Senior! And let's not forget about Jake, as next year he will be in high school! Our baby will be in high school? What are we going to do? But seriously, I am really looking forward to this summer to spend some good family time together. I fear that there won't be too many more summers where we are all here at the Rudy house on Twin Oaks. Love you all.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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