Monday, May 6, 2013

Train Up Your Children - Proverbs 22:6

Proverbs 22:6
"Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it."


So we come to a transition point. I started this daily devotion last August on the first day that Hannah went off to college.  Today, Hannah takes her last exam, finishes her freshmen year and comes home!  But as Hannah went off to college 9 months ago, I felt God calling me to keep pouring spiritual truths into Hannah's life even though we would be a couple hundred miles and several hours apart. I was convicted that maybe I had not really spent enough time talking to Hannah about the really important things in life. I knew her faith was solid but I also knew what kind of change and stress that college life could bring upon a person.  I also selfishly wanted to ensure that Hannah and I did not grow apart and I thought the daily devotion would at least remind her of me in a small way each day.  Then in January I felt led to share the devotions with the rest of the family, and started sending them to Kay, Faith and Jake.  And finally when we found out about Kay's cancer, I expanded the devotion further to other extended family members to share what was happening with Kay's care also.  

For me, writing this devotion has become a very effective medicine to treat the ups and downs of the roller coaster we have been on these last 4 months.  I have heard from some of you that you have gotten some meaning out of a few of these devotions.  But I can assure you that I have grown much more in my walk through really searching each day for how God was speaking to me.  There is nothing like teaching on a topic to really bring you to a deeper understanding and application of a message.  God has really sustained me during this period through regular and deep time spent in his word looking for His personal message to me.  

Today's verse is also a very special verse for me as it relates to my relationship with Faith.  Several years ago as we were experiencing the early teen years, Faith and I had a falling out and our relationship was strained.  My heart was aching and I wanted so badly to have that close relationship back that we once had, but was now so fleeting.  I tried everything in my own strength and it was always the exact opposite of what I should be doing and usually only made things worse.  One day driving home from work, I said "God I need to hear from you that there is hope and that we are only in a season that will soon pass".  I turned on my audio Bible and I continued my petitions: "God I *know* you are going to speak to me today through one of these verses and that it is going to happen before I reach our house!" (I was basically challenging God to come through that day)  Well, the readings went on and on and nothing spoke to me.  However as I was about 3 minutes from home, today's verse was read and I knew God was giving me a little nugget, a little ray of hope to hold on to that things would work out eventually in His time (I can still remember the exact spot on Old Colonial Highway as I had to really concentrate to stay on the road).  Of course in time, God drew us back together, and I believe even because of that experience, we are now closer than ever.  I am truly astonished at how Faith has grown and matured and has become an amazing young woman of God (for an example see the devotion on March 5th titled "The Faith To Step Out And Give").  Of course Faith and I still have our disagreements which I am sure will last a lifetime because we are *so* much alike. ;)   But we know now that each of us loves the other deeply and unconditionally, and that nothing can come between us.  I love you always Faith.

So, does this mean that this devotion stops here? - by no means!  I intend to continue sharing how God is speaking to me and also sharing what is happening with Kay's treatments and with the rest of our family (eg California trip next month!).  However, I won't be writing *every* day, but just periodically as the Lord leads.  Finally, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has written me back or shared a positive word for one of the devotions.  You will never know how much your words encouraged me and I am thankful to God to have each and every one of you in my life!  Until next time....

... don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  


Family Update:  Kay and I go see the surgeon again today to see how we can continue Kay's healing.  Also tonight I fly to Austin for a quick business trip coming back on Tuesday night.  Please keep my travels and Kay's recovery in your prayers.  Love you all! 

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