Thursday, May 23, 2013

Share Your Testimonies - Luke 21:13

Luke 21:13
"But it will turn out for you as an occasion for testimony."


God used difficult situations in the Bible (such as Paul's imprisonment) to create opportunities to share the truth of the gospel.  Just like Paul, we too have opportunities to share our faith.  God will either direct these moments to happen, or he will use circumstances to give us these chances to witness.  

Over the last several months, Kay and I have had many chances to share the faith that is getting us through this season of our lives.  We have had opportunities to share with unbelievers "the hope that lies within us", and we have also had the chance to encourage believers with our reliance on God to carry us through.  And likewise, we have been encouraged by many others in similar situations that have given us the strength to persevere.

Just last night I talked to a friend who lost his job a few weeks ago.  He worked for a company that had a contract with Home Depot to install storm doors. He has worked for them for 7 years and all of a sudden Home Depot decided to cancel their contract. Now he is out of a job with little prospects and no post high school education.  He is a man of great faith though and told me that he knows God will use this occasion to grow him and provide him an opportunity to witness to others because of this trial. 

God never wastes a trial. Whether what you are going through is from God or not, he will use that valley for your growth and for his glory.  So be ready and on the lookout for life's surprises, and embrace them and use them for his good. 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  


Family Update:  Tuesday we went to the hospital to try to needle aspirate the hematomas. But alas, the sonogram still showed nothing to aspirate, so we will try again next week.  Today we go back to the surgeon for a check-up and to talk next steps.  On the positive side, Kay has completed 5 radiation treatments now and is tolerating them ok so far. Praise God!

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