Monday, May 20, 2013

Do Good Deeds - Romans 2:6

Romans 2:6
"God ... will render to each one according to his deeds"


Throughout scripture we learn that God will reward believers for their spirit-led good works. And we also learn that unbelievers will have to ultimately pay for the evil deeds.  

However, aren't we saved by God's grace through our faith in Jesus, and not by works lest we should boast?  How can we reconcile these apparent contradictions?  It is clear in scripture that we are saved by grace and not our own works. But James also says that faith without works is dead. The key is that we are not saved *by* our works but that our works are a reflection or an outgrowth of our salvation.

We should be showing God's love and care for our fellow man because of our love for God and a love for His creation.  We will be held accountable and indeed be rewarded for our works when we get to Heaven.  But, if you have put your trust in Jesus for your salvation, you should be assured that you won't be greeted at the "pearly gates" by some saint who will be evaluating you on a works-based entrance exam.  Praise God for His free gift of salvation! 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!


Family Update:  It has been another interesting week for the Rudy family for those of you who are not up to date yet.  We started the week on Monday with a visit to our surgeon who then recommended that Kay go back in for surgery Monday afternoon to clear out the hematomas.  The intervention radiologist at the hospital on Friday had actually said that he would not go back in at this point and wait to see if it would liquify.  As Kay really did not want to have more surgery and we wanted to get on with radiation, we decided to opt out of surgery at this point. On Wednesday, we met with our regular radiation oncologist and he gave Kay authorization to stat radiation!  So then on Thursday, Kay had her first radiation treatment followed by her second treatment on Friday.  She tolerated both treatments quite well, and we are hopeful that she will handle the 4 weeks of treatments without too many side effects.

This week Kay will have radiation treatments every day.  Additionally on Tuesday we will go to the intervention radiologist to try to drain the hematomas again, and then on Thursday we see the surgeon to assess progress and discuss next steps.  Thanks as always for all the prayers for Kay's improvement and for our discernment!

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