Monday, May 13, 2013

Hannah's Faith - I Samuel 1:18

I Samuel 1:18 NKJV
"And she said, "Let your maidservant find favor in your sight." So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad."


Of course the first couple of chapters of I Samuel are pretty important to us VA Rudys.  Some of you may not know that we didn't name our first child until an hour or so after she was born!  I narrate the first video of Hannah calling her "baby Rudy".  After she was born, Kay and I read several verses asking God to show us what we should name our first precious little girl.  We knew we wanted to give biblical names to all our kids but we want to ensure that we were seeking God's leading in this most important life decision also.

This part of I Samuel really shows the incredible faith of Hannah.  The Lord had closed Hannah's womb and this grieved her immensely.  But she took her grief straight to the Lord and she poured out her requests to God with the faith that He would hear her.  And this verse tells us that as soon as she had bared her heart and laid out her petitions to her God, she was no longer sad.  Her countenance had been uplifted even though her circumstances had not yet changed.

I wish we all could have the confidence and faith of Hannah.  We should run to God with our requests and petitions and we should be encouraged just through the sharing of our trials and through the absolute faith that He will hear us and answer.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

Family Update: Friday was filled with 6 hours at the hospital trying to extract any liquid out of the hematoma on the right side.  In the end they were not successful (most had congealed or hardened), but the Doctor did take out the drain on the left side so Kay would have called the day successful.  ;)    Today (Monday) we go back to the surgeon to see if she wants to have surgery Monday afternoon to go back in and clear out the hematoma.

On a positive note, Hannah bought a car on Saturday! Hannah had gone car shopping on Friday with a lady from church and had found a very nice 2005 Ford Escape.  So, Hannah and I went back out to Winchester Saturday and closed the deal.  Here is Hannah's post from instagram:

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