Thursday, February 14, 2013

An Excellent Wife - Proverbs 12:4

Proverbs 12:4 NKJV
"An excellent wife is the crown of her husband"


The Good News Bible translates this verse as ... An excellent wife is the "pride and joy" of her husband. Well my wife is definitely my source of earthly joy and especially lately I could not be more proud of her. 

For the last month, Kay has been examined, scanned, prodded, banged, stuck, drugged, and cut open.  Throughout it all, I hear few complaints or wining, and she just picks herself up and goes on to the next procedure.  And she does all this while also continuing to take care of our family and home.  Last week after a particularly painful procedure, I even had to go out of town before she had recovered.  She just carried on without me.

For those that are married, turn to your spouse and give them a big hug and a kiss right now.  Make sure you love them continually and don't take them for granted.  I know I fall short on this front regularly but through God's grace and provision I will continue to grow into the husband that he designed me to be.  For those that are yet to be married, be very careful with prospective spouses or even with people you just intend to date.  Be diligent to ensure the person truly loves the Lord and will love, protect, and care for you selflessly.  Yes we always have God as our protector and comforter, but life on this earth is too tough to not have a committed life-long earthly partner to help you wade through it.  I pray you have or will have as "Excellent" a wife as I do.   Happy Valentines Day Lovely Wife of Mine!

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 

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