Thursday, February 28, 2013

Preach It! - Mark 16:15

Mark 16:15 
"And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel."


On Tuesday night this week, I attended a board meeting of the "Loudoun Missions Foundation". About a year ago I was asked to be on the board as the foundation treasurer. I have learned a lot this last year as we go through the process of becoming an independent 501c3 charity with a new vision and focus. Our renewed vision is to help Loudoun County share the Gospel of Jesus Christ through world missions. We achieve this mission through providing scholarships for short-term mission trips, giving grants for mission projects, sharing information with the community, and increasing community prayer support for missions.   The Bible verse that we base our vision on is Mark 16:15.

When I read this verse in Mark, I am reminded of my visits over the years to different African American churches.  If you have been to an African American church (or similar "alive" church), you probably have heard people in the congregation shouting out to the minister during his sermon saying "Preach it Pastor, preach it". I just love to attend any Christian church that has this kind of passion for the Gospel.  What an encouragement to the pastor it must be as he hears audible confirmation that what he is teaching is resonating with his congregation.  Conversely, I would imagine sometimes Pastors are discouraged by our apathetic and "measured" responses to hearing Gods word.   

But this verse not only tells us to preach the gospel, it commands us specifically to do this in "all the world".  Yes, we need to share the gospel with everyone we meet in our daily lives, but we are also called to go out into all the world and share this Truth with all nations!  If you have ever been on a Gospel-sharing mission trip, you will know how ripe the world's people are to hearing this saving truth.  I went on a mission trip to a very poor inland Jamaican town several years ago, and the people there were not only very appreciative of our physical help, but they thirsted to hear the word.  I met a young married couple one day and we walked around for about an hour reading scripture and singing hymns and praise songs.  I was supposed to be ministering to them but they became a blessing to me!  I have heard many others who have had the same experience of going on a mission trip thinking that they were going to help and save the world, but they returned more changed and impacted themselves! 

So in the coming weeks, I implore you to encourage your pastors and leaders to keep preaching the word, look for opportunities to share the gospel with those you meet, and especially consider and pray about going on an international missions trip.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 

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