Friday, March 1, 2013

Trust in The Lord - Psalms 20:7

Psalms 20:7
"Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God."


Well yesterday's Dr visit was back to our original surgeon to have another consultation about our last pathology report. Our radiation oncologist expressed concerned over Kay's margins and so the two doctor's fought it out (er, I mean, discussed it professionally). So they compromised and Kay will get another focused mammogram next week. The purpose of this mammogram is to see if they can see signs of any more calcifications which would indicate remaining cancer cells. There is a type of this cancer called multi-focal DCIS which essentially means that there can be multiple scattered origins to the cancer. If they see signs of this on the mammogram then they will probably operate again. If it shows nothing, then we will most likely move on to radiation. 

But as we were talking to the surgeon, I was struck by the amount of uncertainty in her statements.  At a couple points, she said "we just don't know" or "we are not sure".  Well I am a very analytical person so I was asking her lots of questions and not getting definitive answers. It seems this type of cancer is somewhat unpredictable and there are not as many studies to rely on as with other cancers.

With all this uncertainty, I think today's verse is quite appropriate.  Yes, we rely on our doctors to give us the best information and recommendations on our care.  But in the end they are all just humans with finite minds that have finite knowledge and can make the wrong decisions.  Ultimately, we cannot rely on our chariots, our horses, or even our charioteers.  In the end, all these things are fallible and can break down.  There is only one charioteer that never makes a mistake or gives bad information.  We need to put our complete trust in the Lord of Lords for our future and maybe spend less time worrying about those things of today that will soon pass away.

So today, I am not going to worry about the decisions of men and instead pray for direction from our comforter and counselor.  I pray that you too will not put your trust in the things of this world, but will put your trust in our eternal, omniscient and omnipotent God that loves us and protects us.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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