Thursday, March 14, 2013

What If I Would Say - Matthew 28:19

Matthew 28:19
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,"


The Great Commission.  Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!  We've heard it a thousand times, right?  But do we live it?  Are we sharing the life-saving gospel of Jesus with everyone we meet?

Attached are the complete lyrics to a favorite song of mine that popped up on my random playlist the other day.  The song is called "What if I would say?" by Charlie Dodrill.  The words to the chorus are:

But what if I would say
Something about You
What if I'd proclaim
What I know is true
I wonder if they'd listen
Or if they would believe
In the One they're missing
Or would they turn and leave
I could just stay silent and pray
But what if I would say?

The verses talking about this guy waiting at a train station and overhearing some people wondering what life it all about.  He then starts wrestling with himself knowing that he has the answer and he is not sharing it with them.  Instead he is worried about his reputation or how those people will react, or if they will walk away.  He finally summons the courage and tells them that what they are seeking is Jesus Christ.  Well they give him mostly a cold polite smile and they part ways.  Well then 4 years later, he happens to meet one of the ladies and finds out that what he said that day played an important part in her eventual salvation?  The lyrics end with him saying that "I'll always have an answer to the question I've got.....What if I would say?"

Do you have stories like this where you did not speak up?  I know I do.  Do you wonder what might have happened if you had shared the gospel with that stranger, or with that coworker?  I pray that we ask Jesus to give us the courage to speak up and always have the answer to that question.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  


Here is a link to the song on MySpace.  Enjoy!  

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