Monday, March 11, 2013

The Right Thing at the Right Time - Proverbs 15:23, 24

Proverbs 15:23, 24
"It is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time! The path of life leads upward for the wise; they leave the grave behind."


Our Pastor's message yesterday was "The King's Wisdom" and this verse in Proverbs was one of his scripture references.  Wouldn't it be great to always know the perfect words to say at the exact right time?  I know I stick my foot in my mouth from time to time and say things that evoke the opposite reaction to what I was intending.  Our pastor went on further to define wisdom as doing the right thing at the right time.  Whether it is saying something or doing something, timing is everything isn't it?  If you pick the right lottery number, but on the wrong day, you won't get a payout.  If you arrive for a job interview at the right time, but at the wrong building, you will not get that job.  If you give the right answers for the wrong questions, you will fail the test.

The main text of our pastor's message was Matthew 12:1-50 which describes various actions that Jesus took at exactly the right time.  At the perfect time, Jesus rested, Jesus healed (even on the Sabbath), Jesus withdrew (from potential danger), Jesus confronted (the Pharisees), and Jesus ignored (the scribes and His family).  In the same way, we need to know when to rest, when to heal (with a word to a friend), when to withdraw (from an argument), when to confront (a believer's sin), and when to ignore (bad advice from a friend).

But the key to making all these decisions is to do them in God's timing.  Just as we covered in the March 3rd devotion ("Is God Speaking to Us Still"), our pastor described the various ways that God is communicating his wisdom and timing to us.  He shared that God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit of Jesus living in you, His Word as a lamp unto our feet, prayer through listening to God, circumstances, and the church through leaders and brothers in Christ.

So this week, let's try to first recognize our selfish desires and timing, and then purposefully seek God's wisdom and timing by listening for him in all the ways that he speaks to us.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 

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