Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The "Faith" to Step Out & Give - Matthew 5:42

Matthew 5:42
"Give to the one who begs from you"


Wow, these words from Jesus are pretty direct, eh?  How about a modern day example to illustrate this commandment in action.

Last Sunday after church, Faith had a sudden desire for some Chick-fil-A.  So she drove over to the Chick-fil-A in Leesburg and was a little disappointed when she arrived.  Of course Chick-fil-A is closed on Sundays, so Faith turned around and as she was leaving the parking lot she saw a family in a car with a sign that read "Homeless family of 4.  Any help is appreciated.".  The light was green so she pulled out and headed off to decide on her second choice for lunch.  After she had gotten about 1/2 mile away, she had this gnawing feeling that God had drawn her to that parking lot for a reason, so she turned around and headed back.

She pulled back into the parking lot next to the family and boldly got out and started talking to the family to hear their story.  She found out that they were homeless and that the father had been out of work for 6 months from his construction job because he was injured on the job from hot tar.  Faith of course talked and play with the 4 year old twin boys and developed a bond almost instantly (that will not surprise any of you who know Faith).  Then Faith gathered them all together holding hands and prayed over them!  What a bold witness for Christ's love!  It is only by the power and confidence that we have in Jesus, that we can be his instruments for displaying his love in such a way.  The family then thanked Faith for praying for them and she left them with some money and went on her way.

There is so much more to the story and if you get a chance you should ask Faith to give you all the details!  But, the quick summary is that after Faith left and drove away, she could hardly drive through all the tears so she stopped off at our friends the Richards in Leesburg to gather herself.  Well after she told them the story, our friend Mark wanted to go meet them also.  So Mark, Faith and Sam (Mark's son) all went back and talked to them.  Mark gave them some money also and left them with his business card and told them if they needed anything to give him a call!

So, do you think that family felt the love of Jesus that day?  I challenge all of you that the next time you see someone begging, stop and hear their story.  Be empathetic to their situation, listen to their plight, pray with them, and give them something if you feel led.  You just might be the only person that day that shows them any concern and love.  But when you do, just be sure to point them to the One that can satisfy not only their physical needs but their emotional, spiritual and eternal ones also.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!


And please pray for safe travels for Faith and her friend Natalie as they drive back home this morning from taking Hannah back to Liberty.

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