Monday, March 18, 2013

What is the Kingdom of Heaven? - Luke 17:20, 21

Luke 17:20, 21
""The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, 'See here!' or 'See there!' For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.""


Our pastor preached on this verse yesterday and his sermon was titled "The King's Kingdom". He started off by  giving his definition of the Kingdom of Heaven which was: "God at work in and through me."  The points of his message were:
1) It starts with your heart (be careful not to think you know it all, that you are too wrapped up in emotionalism, or that your heart is divided in loyalty between this world and God).
2) You don't need to weed (be careful of false wheat that looks like weeds, but let God do the weeding)
3) You gotta sow it to grow it (you have to get out there and share the gospel - don't be discouraged by small beginnings)
4) It will cost you everything (as believers we need to jump in with both feet, but we should not see it as a sacrifice but as a privilege)
5) It's worth every sacrifice (Yes, you get eternal life with God in heaven, but you also get many personal treasures here on earth, and you get to be a first hand witness to the might works of God)

The final challenge to us was to listen to the Holy Spirit talking to you, and respond in obedience to those things that he is calling you to do.  So, let's not just go through the motions in life, but get out there, make a difference, and through God's power we can change the world.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 

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