Monday, March 4, 2013

Be Ready - Matthew 24:44

Matthew 24:44
"Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect."


I am sure everyone has seen books or TV shows or preachers who claim that they have cracked the numerical code of the Bible, or found the hidden secret to interpreting Revelation, or seen an end times vision in a dream.  Have you?

Well don't believe any of it!  This passage in Matthew clearly says that Jesus is coming back at an hour that you do not expect, and you need to be always at the ready.  Furthermore, Matthew 25:13 is even more direct in saying that "you know neither the day or the hour", so be on watch.  As we get older and experience more trials, we realize that our lives are fragile and they can be gone in a minute.  So, I think that Eschatology (or study of end times) can sometimes be a distraction for believers.  Regardless of when Christ will return to earth, in a moment we could be in his presence and being held to account for the things we have done.

But in any circumstance we should have hope.  Because as Christ-following believers we can have 100% confidence that whenever that time comes, we will be welcomed into his kingdom with open arms.  So have confidence in Christ, but always be at the ready to be in his presence.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 


Also, please pray for Hannah and Faith as they drive back to Liberty today (Faith is taking Hannah back).  And we praise God for the great weekend we had together as a complete family! 

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