Tuesday, February 26, 2013

An Unexpected Cross - Matthew 27:32, 33

Matthew 27:32, 33
"Along the way, they came across a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross. And they went out to a place called Golgotha (which means "Place of the Skull")."


The other day we got an email from Kay's Aunt Nancy and she mentioned she was listening to the 4tified song "Unexpected Cross" (4tified is a Southern Gospel group that I am in and you can read more about us here: www.4tified.org).  4tified is not one of the top sellers on iTunes but God has worked through our music to reach people.  Nancy shared that this song had helped her though some rough times.  As Nancy says "Life surely throws us some curve balls"!

Well in our passage today from Matthew, Simon of Cyrene sure got a huge breaking ball on that day!  Can you imagine what he must have thought to himself as he was dragged out of the crowd to carry the cross for this beaten man who already looked close to death?  Simon probably just happened upon the crowds in curiosity and now he was carrying the cross for a man who was about to be crucified.  I wonder if Jesus spoke to Simon or did the events of that day have an effect on him.  Later in Acts chapters 11 and 13, Luke mentions that there were some believers from Cyrene.  Maybe there is some connection between Simon and those later believers?

In any case, Simon of Cyrene sure did not anticipate that unexpected cross that day. As the song lyrics say "In our humanness, we sometimes miss the good that God can bring, through each circumstance as we trust the hands of the unseen.  Sometimes were called to carry and unexpected cross....yet there just may be a blessing, in an unexpected cross".  

During our lives on this earth, we are all going to encounter our share of unexpected crosses.  These crosses can come in all forms such as losing our job, a sudden health diagnosis, the death of a friend or family member, or even a particularly stressful time at work or school.  I believe our challenge is to get beyond our humanness, find the good that God intends for us, trust in him to deliver you, and ultimately find that blessing.  So as you encounter that next cross in your life, trust in your Lord and Savior to deliver you, and seek diligently to find that promised blessing.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory! 

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