Thursday, April 25, 2013

An Encouraging Word - Proverbs 12:25

Proverbs 12:25
"Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad."


Are you a detractor or an advocate?  Are you a naysayer or an encourager?  This world has its fair share of negative and pessimistic people, so we should try to balance that out with a dose of optimism. 

Our church sends out a weekly devotion called "An Encouraging Word". The elders of the church take turns giving their insight on a passage of scripture and applying it to our daily lives. The devotions can sometimes be convicting but they always come back to how we can live according to God's will, and how Jesus gives us the strength to do just that. 

I make it a point in life to surround myself with positive people and avoid spending much time with the naysayers.  Even when I interview people at work I am looking for people who see the glass half full and do not criticize their previous coworkers.  I challenge us all to be like Paul and be content in all our circumstances. But we should not just be content but continually look for ways to witness through our trials and use our experiences to encourage others. 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!


Family Update: I am in my hotel in Bangalore writing this on Wednesday night my time and I have only had about 6 hours of sleep since Sunday night.  As I work on my laptop, my head keeps dropping as I doze in and out; one of these times is it just going to crash onto the laptop.  ;)  I had a good first day though and am looking forward to the rest of the trip - except for missing the rest of the family.  The good news of the day is that Kay's body continues to heal and repair itself.  The bad news is that two of our cars are going in the opposite direction with major repairs the last 2 days.  But the additional good news is I talked to the hospital tonight after my complaints about Kay's ER treatment and they are refunding us several hundred dollars and have given the negative feedback to the ER Doctor.  That's it for now - blessings everyone!

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