Friday, April 19, 2013

Our Holy Hematologist - I John 1:7

I John 1:7
"But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin."


Well yesterday was our big doctor follow-up day. We met with the primary surgeon, the reconstructive surgeon, and the hematologist (Blood Doctor). The surgeons said that Kay is healing well but that it will just take time. But more importantly we received some great news from the primary surgeon.  The pathology report came back with very good margins and we do not need to have any more surgeries.  Our previous clean margins were 1.8mm, and now our narrowest clean margin is 4mm.  They only found some very small microscopic bits of cancer and we believe that the radiation should take care of any remaining cancerous cells.

The biggest struggle with Kay right now is that her hemoglobin count is still very low at 8.2.  She has almost no energy and cannot take care of herself yet.  She is now on iron supplements to help build up her hemoglobin, but it is a long slow process.  Today, the hematologist said that it would take at least 4 weeks for her to get her levels back close to normal.  To complicate things even further, I am scheduled to travel to India next Monday, so we are now lining up people to come and stay with Kay while I am gone.  We are staying mostly positive but Kay has her moments where she just does not see enough progress and becomes discouraged.  Just today on the way to the doctor's, we had a time of discouragement, but then we gained some perspective and realized that "This too shall pass".  We have so much to be thankful for: the cancer is early stage, we believe we have gotten it all now, and we did not have to take any more radical surgical options.  Praise God!

The verse today came to me as we were talking to the hematologist.  Our blood is our lifeline and without it we would of course have no earthly life.  Even if our blood is off normal just a bit, it impacts our well-being in huge ways - as Kay is experiencing now.  You cannot help but draw the parallel to how important Christ's blood is to us also.  Without the shedding of Jesus' blood, we would have no eternal life with Him.  As we all painfully know, our earthly bodies are corruptible and decaying, but one day our resurrected bodies will be raised incorruptible and everlasting.  If we meditate on this, and try to have more of an eternal perspective, that should help us to have less discouragement, and more optimism for the future.  With our love and trust in God and through the constant support and prayers of His people, we will soon be through this valley. 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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