Sunday, April 28, 2013

Go Out & Bring Them In - Luke 14:23

Luke 14:23
 "Then the master told his servant, 'Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full."


Well this morning, I had the privilege to go to a church service in Bangalore India with a good old friend of mine Joe Vinod and one of my current QA Managers Mike Allegra.  Joe and I worked together years ago and we are close friends and brothers in Christ even though we only see each other about twice a year.  We are were also joined by Joe's wife Bhumika, and son Arpan.

I have worshipped at Joe's church before with the last time being with Hannah and Faith last year.  But this was the first time in the brand new Sanctuary and the first time with someone from my work also.  The church is absolutely beautiful and it is amazing to see everyone worshiping in such a wonderful building in this country.  Even though I am not Catholic and the service has a different flow and style to it, we all worship the same God.

In fact, I believe this verse is very appropriate in that in India, Christianity is a very minor religion.  Most of the Indian people are Hindu, Buddhist, Islamic, or Sikh.  Even though they fervently worship their Gods, if they are worshipping anything but the Truth, then it is fruitless.  This parable of the Great Banquet in the book of Luke tells us that God indeed desires that all should come to the saving knowledge of Jesus.  An additionally, it is our duty to share the word of Jesus with them to persuade them with wise and gentle words so that they come in and dine with the master.

So today whether it is your neighbor, your co-worker, or someone in a foreign land and of another religion, share your faith from your heart and let them know about the hope that lies within you. Love and miss you all!

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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