Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Thy Word Is Truth - John 17:17

John 17:17
"Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."


This is one of my favorite memory verses.  It is short, simple and not only declares that God's Word is True, but that Jesus and scripture *IS* Truth.  Just as Jesus *IS* the very definition of Love, He also is the incarnation of Truth itself.  Because of this verse and many others, we can be confident that what we read in scripture is true and that it can be relied on to give us direction in all that we do.

Furthermore this verse says we are sanctified through this Truth.  Sanctification means to be set apart or to be made Holy.  If we meditate, pray, and deeply study God's word, He will use this to refine and sanctify us into becoming more like Christ himself.  And Christ's greatest desire and plan is that we are molded and matured to become just like Him.

This side of paradise we will always fall short of God's perfect plan.  Because of the fall, we are burdened with a sinful world where are bodies decay and our spirits regularly fall short of Christ's perfection.  Pray for God to do a work in all of our hearts to mature us to be just like him.  And at the same time, pray that our bodies will hold up as best as they can until we ultimately travel across that river.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!


Family Update:
Kay's surgery is today at 1:30pm and will last for a few hours.  Please pray for the doctors, pray that there will be no more residual cancer, and that Kay will recover well.  Also, please pray for the rest of us as we wait for results and then take care of Kay in the coming days.  Thank you all for your love and prayers!

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