Saturday, April 20, 2013

Do Not Be Afraid - Mark 5:36

Mark 5:36
"Do not be afraid; only believe."
Kay had a very good day yesterday and she described it as her biggest day to day improvement since surgery!  She is off all her strong pain medications and I think we have turned the corner on her recovery.  She is still sleeping for several hours off and on throughout the day, but when she is awake she is definitely more functional and more normal.  I also was able to have somewhat of a normal work at home day yesterday, as Kay had two ladies from church here in the morning and her cousin Meg stayed with her all afternoon.
The verse today is from a card that a lady at our church sent to Kay last week.  The verse is from the passage in Mark's gospel where Jairus' daughter dies and right then Jesus tells him "Do not be afraid, only believe".  Jesus then goes to the girl and literally raises her from the dead.  So even though, Jairus was presented with a scary situation, Jesus asked him to just have faith and believe, and Jesus did not let him down.  In Kay's card, the lady went on to say that she believes that "in this passage for Kay the word believe means: trust, be encouraged, look up, and know that Jesus loves you more than you can possibly imagine."
I think this verse has a simple message but a very profound meaning.  I am not afraid of too many things in my life anymore, but on Saturday I was truly afraid.  When we came home from the emergency room at noon, Kay was in pain, not of sound mind, and her chest looked completely awful.  I was afraid she was having serious complications, I was afraid I would make the wrong decision on her care, and I was afraid that I might lose the love of my life.  I was praying through it all, but truthfully I was not sure of what God's exact plan was.  Thank God it looks like everything is going to turn out OK, but at the time I was not so confident.
My faith has been strengthened through this whole experience though and I pray that the next time a fearful situation arises, that I have a little less fear and a little more faith and belief that God is in control and will protect us.  I pray that you also continue to grow in your faith and your belief in the one true loving and infinitely trustworthy God of this universe.
...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

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