Friday, April 12, 2013

God's Perfect Timing - Psalms 27:14

Psalms 27:14
"Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord !"


Do you always believe that God's timing is perfect?  I wish I could say that I always do, but frequently I ask God to hurry up, or slow down, or even wait until this thing happens before that thing happens.  Do we really think we know better than our omniscient, ever-loving Father?

Well on Wednesday as we were in pre-op getting ready for Kay's surgery, I was checking emails to pass the time and God's perfect timing jumped up and hit us in the face.  Just then, I received an email from our good friend Donna Miller who has been praying for healing for Kay (see the February 19th, 2013 devotion).  We have not talked to her in over a month, but she felt led to reach out to us, on that day at that moment, to let us know that she was continuing to pray for us.  

As she put it "How great is our God, You and your family popped in my head this morning and for some reason, No excuse me, for God's reason he wanted me to reach out to you and deliver his message.  I Join you in prayer right now that this WILL be the last surgery for my sister in Christ Kay Rudy and God will heal, deliver and set her body free of cancer... forever.  We join together in prayer for healing of Kay, In the name of our precious Lord and Savior Jesus Christ may Kay be washed in his healing blood.  May your family continue to be strengthened by the faithfulness of God and those around you who know his power. May you find comfort in his unchanging word and peace in his presence.

Her email was a very powerful word to me from God and it helped sustain me through the almost 5 hours of surgery and recovery until I could see Kay again.  Even when I read it again now, I get emotional just knowing how many people are faithfully praying for us, and how much God loves and cares for us.  He is perfect, His plan is perfect, and most importantly His timing is perfect.  As you go through trials, or are anxious for things to happen on your timetable, take a moment with God and just ask him to give you peace to trust in Him and to trust in His timing.

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!

Family Update: Kay is recovering pretty well at this point.  She has some pain but it is manageable so far.  She does have several tubes coming out of her and going into her yet, so sleeping has been a challenge.  But for all the discomfort now, we are just so thankful and blessed that the surgery went smoothly.  Now please continue to pray without ceasing that the pathology report comes back with no remaining cancer! 

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