Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Meditate In The Word - Joshua 1:8

Joshua 1:8
"You shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it."


In our modern culture, sometimes mediation has taken on a non-christian meaning. If someone tells you they are going to go off and meditate, you would not immediately think they are going to read and study the Bible. However the simple definition for mediate is to think, contemplate, devise, or ponder.  I have also heard mediating on God's word described as lingering - I like that description. 

Sometimes I think we get caught in the trap of wanting to take in as much of God's word as we possibly can. Last year I read through the entire Bible for maybe the 4th or 5th.  And don't get me wrong I have grown a lot from burying myself in scripture and absorbing parts of the Bible that I rarely pick out to read. But God's word clearly tells us that we should not just read his word like we read a popular novel. We need to regularly dive deep into the text to gain a more thorough understanding of his word. We need to contemplate, ponder, and linger so that God has the chance to speak back to us by planting his ideas in our minds of how to apply his word to our lives. If we are moving too fast, we might miss where he is redirecting us to. 

I pray you will take the time to mediate on the truth of God. I encourage you to look for quality scripture time and not just shoot for sheer quantity of scripture. Maybe you will take just one verse and read and meditate on it for 15 minutes every day for a week.  I think you will be amazed and what God will reveal to you. 

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!  

Family Update:  Yesterday, Kay and I went to another appointment with the hematologist and thankfully we did not have any more surprises!  We are now set for a May 3rd appointment for Kay to get "measured" for the treatments.  If Kay heals well, then the radiation treatments should start around May 7th or 8th. Kay is still feeling better each day and we are so thankful for that.  By the time you read this, I should have already connected through Frankfurt Germany during the night time, and should be somewhere over southeastern Europe, Turkey, or Iran.  India here I come!

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