Thursday, April 4, 2013

Praise God! - Psalms 34:1

Psalms 34:1
"I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth."


How often do you hear Christians say "Praise God"?  If David Letterman did his famous top 10 bit on "Top 10 Things Christians Say", I am sure "Praise God" would be on the list somewhere.  Recently though I was thinking about how the things that we hear and say so often, sometimes lose their deeper meaning for us.  One example in business that I encounter regularly is that many people close their emails with "Best Regards". The original use of "With Best Regards" meant "with respect, affection, or esteem."  But today since it is used so much, all meaning as left this closing.  Some people even close their emails with "Best Regards" after they have just berated and criticized you throughout the email!  ("Oh but even though I think you are worthless and a cancer to this company, I hold you in highest esteem and send my deepest affection")  ;)

In an earlier devotion on prayer, we talked about how the first P-A-R-T of prayer is Praise.  Sometimes I think we get stuck finding different ways to praise God.  One discipline I picked up many years ago was to pray before my meals wherever I am.  I figured that at least I would be remembering and talking with God throughout the day.  But, I make it a point to not just pray for the food I am about to eat, but I also always pray about someone or something else.  For me, this is one small way to keep from being consumed by the day and by the world.  Another practice that our church does occasionally is to just have the congregation shout out the many names of God as they feel led.  This has also helped me to more easily remember the various attributes of God.

But however we choose to praise God, I pray that we are really thinking about what we are saying and not just "expelling vain repetitions".  I   I hope your prayer life continues to grow and that you praise God at all times!

...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!


If you are in a contemporary, evangelical community of believers, you may find this video title "Stuff Christians Say" quite funny.  Surprisingly, "Praise God" is not mentioned.  :)  

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