Thursday, April 18, 2013

With God Nothing Is Impossible - Isaiah 53:5

Isaiah 53:5
"But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed."


The verse today comes from my friend Sumala in Chennai, India who was also mentioned in the devotion on March 3rd.  Sumala is a prayer warrior and she has been praying for healing for Kay.  Sumala used to work for me as a QA Manager many years ago at a previous company, and she also runs a website called "Gospel is Love" at  They conduct various outreach ministries and also accept online prayer requests.  I have been receiving their "verse of the day" email for many years.
Well earlier this week, they received an online prayer request that read "Hi, I am writing this to request for prayer support for my cousin who is suffering from cancer of the brain and is staying in a US hospital for some time for treatment. My own husband has come out of a cancer attack few years ago and he is fully cured and working in office full time/(overtime!) and we know Jesus has healed him. Nothing is impossible for Him! thanks & rgds, xxxxxx" 
Sumala wanted to share this prayer request as encouragement to us and to remind us that "With God, nothing is impossible".  She reference Isaiah 53 where God did the seemingly impossible and sent his Son to suffer and die to cover our sins.  His punishment brought us peace, and by His stripes we are healed.  
God has already healed us from our transgression and iniquities by leaving them at the foot of the cross.  But additionally, he also promises to heal us of our physical wounds and today we call out this prayer in Kay's name before the Lord. 
...and don't forget to love God with all your heart, love others as He does, and use every minute for His will and to His glory!
Family Update:  I got to go to work today!  Wait, did I just say that?  Faith and Wendy Richard graciously stayed with Kay today and I experienced a somewhat normal day for the first time in over a week.  I don't mind taking care of Kay and I actually feel privileged to care for her in ways that she usually does for me.  However, with office work piling up, I needed a day to focus there and indeed I had a very successful day.  Kay is also doing a little better each day and we continue to stuff her full of medicine so she can regain her energy and get back to good health.  Tomorrow our day is full of three different follow-up doctor visits (the two surgeons and a medical oncologist).  Please continue to pray for us - we really appreciate your obedience in Christ.  Love you all!

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